- Phone: +(234) 808 804 0507
- Email: info@fach-nigeria.org
Foundation for African Cultural Heritage (FACH) is a non-profit, non-governmental, civil society organisation committed to the preservation and promotion of African cultural values.
In an ever-changing world with the rise of values and ideologies that run counter to African pro-family and pro-life values, FACH is committed to advocating for the truth of the dignity of the human person and all its attendant implications: the right to life from conception to natural death, the right to freedom, justice, progress and health...
Our mission is to enhance the dignity, rights and integral development of Africans by protecting and promoting the values, qualities and traditions that serve the common good of the African family. We provide solutions to societal problems and participate in the public discourse on human and family rights, laws and policies on national, regional and international levels.
To be a leading partner in the global effort to protect and promote the inviolability of human life and the unique position for service that the African family, based on marriage and the complementarity of the sexes, holds as an index for sustainable development.
Since 2009, FACH has turned donor gifts into life-changing programmes around the country. Through the combined efforts of donors, volunteers, directors and her member organisations See More